Great Finds - Podcasts

Hi! Today I want to talk to you about two podcasts in my Good Finds section.

First up is Everything Acting Podcast. I love these two ladies out of NYC -Roz Coleman and Darbi Worley. They are two working actresses past 30 who share their day to day experiences; interview other working actors, agents, casting directors, directors, and writers; and answer listener questions. They are funny, compassionate, encouraging and knowledgeable. And if they don't know the answer, they ask an expert. I especially love Darbi's story of wanting to be an actor all her life and doing everything but until she had an epiphany at age 37. She was watching the Oscars one day and started sobbing, realizing she had been denying herself a dream. So she did it. Its never too late.

Next up is Inside Acting Podcast. This podcast is hosted by two young guys in L.A. - Trevor Algatt and A.J. Meijer who are at the start of their careers. They both have theatre backgrounds and are trying to navigate their way through the labyrinth of Hollywood. They interview industry experts from the West Coast; answer listener questions; and talk about their experiences. Its fun to listen to their banter as they discuss their thoughts on the business.

I've gotten great information, inspiration, and encouragement from both of these podcasts. The most valuable piece that I've taken away as a listener is their focus on actors creating their own work. As actors, we are artists. Often times we are so focused on acting and booking work that we don't focus on what else we can give artistically. I'm embarrassed to say that I used to think I was "just an actor" and never even honored the artistic value of myself and my craft, let alone explore what else I was good at. When I took a moment to explore this side of myself, I found a wealth of creativity dying to be expressed. So now I find myself writing, drawing/painting, composing, and teaching myself how to play the guitar (thank you internet!!) And as I've mentioned before, I'm working on a one woman show.

I encourage you to explore your creativity as well. You may discover hidden talents, or even create opportunities for yourself to perform and be seen. If nothing else, it keeps us sane in between acting gigs. And as I am reminded by many teachers, the more we focus on what we can give instead of what we can get, the better our lives will be.

So check out the podcasts. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have, and I look forward to hearing from you!


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