Artistic Inspiration from NPR

One of my favorite singer/song writers from the 80's Suzanne Vega was featured in an episode of The Record on NPR last week. The broadcast focused on women in music who are using social media to self-promote and take control of their careers. Many of these artists are finding that in a business world full of rejection, the internet is one way they can reach fans, expand their opportunities, and share their artistic voice without "permission" from someone else.

I'm sure my parallel point to actors is not lost here. What do you have to give? And what are you waiting for? If you're waiting for permission, I'm giving it to you right now. You have this desire because you're meant to use it in the world. The word desire comes "from the Latin desiderare 'long for, wish for,' ...from the phrase de sidere  'from the stars,'." (Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 DouglasHarper) The desire itself IS your permission, a Calling which must be Answered. Now is as good a time as any. Oh and by the way, you are good enough. Now get out there and Create! 

Check out the article and listen to the story at -

Control Your Image: Women Musicians Seize On Social Media


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