Actress Post #4

Part of the whole struggle of being an artist whose not already Tom Cruise is trying to pay the bills. Last year, I was one of the people who suffered through the unemployment crisis. I was a newly single mother and suddenly also found myself without a job - for 12 months. That was the most difficult time of my life. I had to seek help from organizations I never thought I would need. I lost my car, I had to visit a Food Bank, and if it weren't for the support of my family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers, I might have lost my apartment and my mind as well. I know that despite the stress, struggle, tears, and additional grey hairs, that I was still blessed because it could have been much worse and still is for others in our country and around the world.

Now for me, that time has passed and I've been really lucky this year. Not only did I finally find a day job - or perhaps it found me - but I found a position in an office where they clearly stated that going on auditions was not a problem. This is exactly the situation I was hoping for. Talk about a 180 degree turn for the better. The saying is true - "This too shall pass". That goes for the bad as well as the good, because our lives are always changing and always evolving. And if nothing else, now I have lived through a really difficult story that is dying to be told through part of my One Woman Show. So life becomes fodder for Art! On so many levels, sometimes living the dream can seem like a nightmare that we can't wake up from. But we will. Just breathe and keep on keeping on.


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