Felicia Day - Creating Our Own Work

As I shared in the last post, I and others are encouraging actors to create our own work. A great example of this is the actress Felicia Day and her web based series The Guild. Felicia was best known for her stint on Buffy the Vampire Slayer as one of the "potential Slayers" in Season 7. In an article on Fast Company.com by Ari Karpel, Felicia talks about her web based series The Guild, and how it started as a home based Youtube creation. Four seasons later, the series has garnered a huge following and has led to her current deal with Microsoft that allows her to maintain creative control of her work. Felicia also discusses the importance of using the internet to find and create your own niche. Check out the article at FastCompany.com, and watch the video below. Enjoy! and Create! Create! Create!


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