Actress Post #1

Hi! Welcome! I am a 38 year old actress and single mom, starting a new path in the business of acting. As if being a single mom wasn't hard enough, I'm now trying to dive into life in front of the camera at an age that many still believe is past the prime and not worth the time. I disagree. I'll admit that I'm scared and I sometimes get depressed and overwhelmed when I get bogged down by the day to day grind of working a full time "day job" and raising a 4 year old son - and not having a "gig" at the moment. But I know I can do it, and I know there are others of you out there who dream of having an artistic life as well. I've started this blog to inspire others with my journey, and be inspired by those of you fighting the good fight on the Actor's path. I'll be sharing my ups and downs, insights, tips, links, and good finds. I hope you will share yours with me as well. I'll tell you a little more about my background as an actor in the next installment. I look forward to hearing from you - and as a good friend once told me "Pursue! Pursue! Pursue!".


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