Actress Post #2

So, here's a little about my background. I have my Bachelor's Degree in Theatre, but like many actors, it all began when I was very young - as early as 4 or 5. My earliest performance venue was my mother's kitchen. I would write, produce, direct, and star in all of my productions. I took it very seriously, many times reworking the productions until they were just right. I would get my younger sister to perform with me and she would willingly - most of the time.

As I got a little older, my theatrical experience involved church choir productions, and I also began to study dance, piano, and then later drums in junior high marching band - somewhere in between I spent a little time playing clarinet but that didn't last long.

The idea of performing as a profession didn't come till I was in high school. Camelot - I'll never forget that time. The power of the story, the sense of belonging, the emotional catharsis, and after applause High were unlike anything I had experienced before. This is where the true theatre bug bit.

From high school I decided to pursue theatre in college. After a very bumpy road which involved dropping out after my junior year and returning 5 years later to the same department with the same teachers to finally complete my senior year, I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Theatre.

I thought I was going to NYC right after I graduated but like most of my life, I got side tracked. I've been performing on stage semi-professionally for the last 11 years taking a few classes here and there - Shakespeare, Beginning Improv. I regretted not taking the plunge and going the distance professionally. But as many of my friends have told me - its never too late.

So here we are today...since my separation and soon after divorce, I moved to a bigger city, studied on camera commercial acting, studied more Improv, and am now working with an acting coach.

I'm also working on a one woman show; developing some bizarre characters that seem to want to express themselves through me; and then of course there's this blog.

So that's a little about me. I look forward to hearing your story and finding out what inspires you. I have a friend who was a "late bloomer" as well. He didn't take the plunge until much later in life and didn't get his Equity card until he was well into his late 40's. I'd love to interview him for the blog so you can hear his inspiring story as well.

Until next time stay positive, check out the Good Finds section for inspiration, and keep Living the Dream!


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