Back to the Beginning

Blogging is where I started...

Back in 2009, I moved to Phoenix, Arizona. It was the closest "big city" I could get to. Recently separated, on a clear path to divorce, and with my 2 year old son and two cats in tow I made the leap. All I could think at the time was this was finally my chance. Finally my chance to have the life that I had always wanted. Free from the controlling aspects of my marriage, free from having to put any one else's needs first except myself and my son. I knew I wasn't ready for Los Angeles although I did consider it. I just knew I needed to get out of this small town and try, really try to make something more of myself. To follow the dreams that had been nagging and tugging at me my entire life. The Artist's life. I thought, "this is my big chance"...and I couldn't have been more wrong...more on that later.

So I am back at the beginning. That 2 year old son is now 15 and so much has changed, especially me. Among the turmoil, a lot of progress and good things have happened over the years and I'm excited to share it. 

I'm honored if you read this far. Thank you. More to come...


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