Actress Post #3

Wow! I had an appointment with my acting coach and all I can say is - Wow! There is sooo much that I have to learn and it scares me...and excites me. As I've discussed before, I have a Bachelor's degree in Theatre and have been performing semi-professionally for years. But at this point, I feel like a baby just starting out again.

Today's lesson was a wake up call for me. This is not going to be easy. Its hard work, and I'm not even talking about the business of acting - headshots, agents, reels, casting directors, resumes, creating relationships aka networking. I'm just talking about "doing the work".

I think when we're young and we first discover theatre, we fall in love with the social aspect, and the kudos from our family and friends. And because they're called Plays, we somehow expect it to be all fun all the time. But its work. That's why so many actors use the phrase "focus on the work". As I've heard many times on the Everything Acting Podcast, you have to love every aspect of it - preparation, memorization, auditioning, rehearsing or its not worth it.

I also think that those of us who have gone through Bachelor's degree programs come out thinking we have everything we need to jump right into the business and we don't need any further training. But the truth is we should never stop training and that a college degree is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what there is to learn, especially if we want to make the jump from theatre to film.   

I've definitely got my work cut out for me and I'm really going to have to focus in order to overcome some old acting habits that will not serve me if I want to be successful moving forward.

Here's to doing the work, making time for the work, and LOVING the work.

Tell me your thoughts. I look forward to hearing from you.


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