Hollywood Adventures - Part 1

I'm just about to leave Phoenix for my trip to L.A. The mission of the trip - to help a friend move. Boxes check. Suitcase check. Water check. Road food check. Gas check...okay, time to leave, one more stop at the bank and we're out of here. Suddenly no air conditioning. Its 108 degrees outside!! We drive to the bank before we can head out of town, crossing our fingers that the air conditioner in my '97 Ford Ranger pickup is just experiencing a glitch. Bank...longest line in the history of the world! Wait, wait, and wait some more......Finally! Head out to the truck ready to go, still no air...did I mention its 108 degrees outside!! and did I mention its a Friday afternoon, and I'm exhausted from the work week, and a bit hormonal, and we're pulling a trailer so we can only go 55 mph max in a 75 mph zone? 108 degrees!!! and nothing I can do about it. 108 degrees for 9 hours.....

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