Actress Post #6

In my last entry I promised I would write about my "adventures" on my trip to Hollywood, then as often happens with me, life got in the way of Art. This is when the Single Mom Me and her challenges, gets in the way of the Artist Me and her desires. I've been reluctant to spend too much time talking about this part of my life. I wanted to keep the Artist Me out front as much as possible for the sake of this blog, and for the sake of my career. And as I write this, it occurs to me that there might be someone else out there having the same struggles I am as a Mother and Artist. This endeavor is also about creating community, and because of that I realize I should absolutely share. Sharing may not solve all of our problems, but at least we won't feel alone anymore on the journey.

So the short answer is that my son goes to his Dad's house two weekends a month, and this is the time I'm able to recuperate and create. This month my ex went on a trip and I had my son two weekends in a row which made it difficult to get any writing accomplished. To make up for this, my ex took his turn and now has our son two weekends in a row.

This visitation thing is always a heart pulling experience. On one hand, raising a child alone can be exhausting and I crave those times that I get to have a break and recharge. On the other hand I miss my son terribly when he's gone. So I have to focus on the opportunity for quiet time that I have, and make the most of it. The Artist Me was going crazy not being able to create, so that's where my focus needs to be during this "free" time.

Last weekend was the first weekend off, and I've finally started part two of this adventure which I'll tell you about soon, and I'm really excited about it. So stay tuned, and now back to sharing those Hollywood adventures... 


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