So, here's a little about my background. I have my Bachelor's Degree in Theatre, but like many actors, it all began when I was very young - as early as 4 or 5. My earliest performance venue was my mother's kitchen. I would write, produce, direct, and star in all of my productions. I took it very seriously, many times reworking the productions until they were just right. I would get my younger sister to perform with me and she would willingly - most of the time. As I got a little older, my theatrical experience involved church choir productions, and I also began to study dance, piano, and then later drums in junior high marching band - somewhere in between I spent a little time playing clarinet but that didn't last long. The idea of performing as a profession didn't come till I was in high school. Camelot - I'll never forget that time. The power of the story, the sense of belonging, the emotional catharsis, and after applause High were unlike anything I had...