
Showing posts from August, 2010

Award Show Inspiration

Emmy's, Oscars, Tony's: Award show fun, and the spoils of years of hard work for those in attendance. A time for Artists to gather, appreciate and honor one another's creations, and dress up in really expensive outfits. Gotta love it! Anyone up for creating an original music video? Break out your iPod with the built in camera and go to work. Enjoy!


I haven't even seen this movie yet, but I have it Saved in my Netflix settings. All I can say is that just watching the trailer, I started sobbing. Thank you, thank you, thank you Pamela T. Boll for making this film!

Actress Post #4

Part of the whole struggle of being an artist whose not already Tom Cruise is trying to pay the bills. Last year, I was one of the people who suffered through the unemployment crisis. I was a newly single mother and suddenly also found myself without a job - for 12 months. That was the most difficult time of my life. I had to seek help from organizations I never thought I would need. I lost my car, I had to visit a Food Bank, and if it weren't for the support of my family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers, I might have lost my apartment and my mind as well. I know that despite the stress, struggle, tears, and additional grey hairs, that I was still blessed because it could have been much worse and still is for others in our country and around the world. Now for me, that time has passed and I've been really lucky this year. Not only did I finally find a day job - or perhaps it found me - but I found a position in an office where they cl...

Artistic Inspiration from NPR

One of my favorite singer/song writers from the 80's Suzanne Vega was featured in an episode of The Record on NPR last week. The broadcast focused on women in music who are using social media to self-promote and take control of their careers. Many of these artists are finding that in a business world full of rejection, the internet is one way they can reach fans, expand their opportunities, and share their artistic voice without "permission" from someone else. I'm sure my parallel point to actors is not lost here. What do you have to give? And what are you waiting for? If you're waiting for permission, I'm giving it to you right now. You have this desire because you're meant to use it in the world. The word desire comes "from the Latin desiderare 'long for, wish for,' ... from the phrase de sidere   'from the stars,'." ( Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper ) The desire itself IS your permission, a Ca...

Actress Post #3

Wow! I had an appointment with my acting coach and all I can say is - Wow! There is sooo much that I have to learn and it scares me...and excites me. As I've discussed before, I have a Bachelor's degree in Theatre and have been performing semi-professionally for years. But at this point, I feel like a baby just starting out again. Today's lesson was a wake up call for me. This is not going to be easy. Its hard work, and I'm not even talking about the business of acting - headshots, agents, reels, casting directors, resumes, creating relationships aka networking. I'm just talking about "doing the work". I think when we're young and we first discover theatre, we fall in love with the social aspect, and the kudos from our family and friends. And because they're called Plays, we somehow expect it to be all fun all the time. But its work. That's why so many actors use the phrase "focus on the work". As I've heard many times on the ...

Felicia Day - Creating Our Own Work

As I shared in the last post, I and others are encouraging actors to create our own work. A great example of this is the actress Felicia Day and her web based series The Guild . Felicia was best known for her stint on Buffy the Vampire Slayer as one of the "potential Slayers" in Season 7. In an article on Fast by Ari Karpel, Felicia talks about her web based series The Guild , and how it started as a home based Youtube creation. Four seasons later, the series has garnered a huge following and has led to her current deal with Microsoft that allows her to maintain creative control of her work. Felicia also discusses the importance of using the internet to find and create your own niche. Check out the article at, and watch the video below. Enjoy! and Create! Create! Create!

Great Finds - Podcasts

Hi! Today I want to talk to you about two podcasts in my Good Finds section. First up is Everything Acting Podcast . I love these two ladies out of NYC -Roz Coleman and Darbi Worley. They are two working actresses past 30 who share their day to day experiences; interview other working actors, agents, casting directors, directors, and writers; and answer listener questions. They are funny, compassionate, encouraging and knowledgeable. And if they don't know the answer, they ask an expert. I especially love Darbi's story of wanting to be an actor all her life and doing everything but until she had an epiphany at age 37. She was watching the Oscars one day and started sobbing, realizing she had been denying herself a dream. So she did it. Its never too late. Next up is Inside Acting Podcast . This podcast is hosted by two young guys in L.A. - Trevor Algatt and A.J. Meijer who are at the start of their careers. They both have theatre backgrounds and are trying to navigate the...

Ron Perlman on Acting

Where it All Began

My high school stage!

Actress Post #2

So, here's a little about my background. I have my Bachelor's Degree in Theatre, but like many actors, it all began when I was very young - as early as 4 or 5. My earliest performance venue was my mother's kitchen. I would write, produce, direct, and star in all of my productions. I took it very seriously, many times reworking the productions until they were just right. I would get my younger sister to perform with me and she would willingly - most of the time. As I got a little older, my theatrical experience involved church choir productions, and I also began to study dance, piano, and then later drums in junior high marching band - somewhere in between I spent a little time playing clarinet but that didn't last long. The idea of performing as a profession didn't come till I was in high school. Camelot - I'll never forget that time. The power of the story, the sense of belonging, the emotional catharsis, and after applause High were unlike anything I had...

Great Finds

I've listed a section on the right entitled Good Finds. This will be an ongoing list of things that inspire me and keep me going. This video is one of them. Enjoy! HAMLET ON THE STREET - Monologue by Craig Bazan in Camden NJ This is what its all about! Go Craig!!

Actress Post #1

Hi! Welcome! I am a 38 year old actress and single mom, starting a new path in the business of acting. As if being a single mom wasn't hard enough, I'm now trying to dive into life in front of the camera at an age that many still believe is past the prime and not worth the time. I disagree. I'll admit that I'm scared and I sometimes get depressed and overwhelmed when I get bogged down by the day to day grind of working a full time "day job" and raising a 4 year old son - and not having a "gig" at the moment. But I know I can do it, and I know there are others of you out there who dream of having an artistic life as well. I've started this blog to inspire others with my journey, and be inspired by those of you fighting the good fight on the Actor's path. I'll be sharing my ups and downs, insights, tips, links, and good finds. I hope you will share yours with me as well. I'll tell you a little more about my background as an actor in the...