"And that's like this time period that we're going through. What we're losing, hopefully the perspective that we're gaining, and the humanity and the empathy that we're gaining for people that are in more dyer straights than we are. That have less than we do. That maybe we come out of this understanding humanity a little bit better because we've been through something collective together."


Living the Dream during COVID - 19: In this episode I talk with professional stage actor Scott Coopwood. Scott makes his living full time as an actor and teaching artist, and is known for his expertise in performing and teaching Shakespeare. We discuss unemployment, what returning might look like, staying positive during these difficult times, what he's been doing since the last interview, and what he's looking forward to in the future. 

Scott Coopwood's website
Scott Coopwood on Facebook
Living the Dream Acting Facebook Group
Living the Dream Acting website
Survivors by Janien Valentine


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