My Way

I decided to pull my copy of The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, off the shelf this year. I carried it around in my satchel for weeks. I convinced myself that I would have time to open it and perhaps gleen some inspiration and wisdom from the pages. It wasn't my intention to restart the course, and it definitely is a course. The cover of the book states it very clearly - "A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self." I took myself through the entire course after I graduated with my BFA at the age of 27. (Wow, was it really that long ago?) Cover to cover, all 12 weeks, with underlines, notes in the margins, highlights, and daily Morning Pages without fail. My first thought was, "No way am I going through that again, once is enough." As I re-read that sentence I have to laugh at my own resistance to the "work" involved in going through the process of self-discovery...again. The truth is, I picked up Julia Cameron's book again because it was time to be re-inspired, re-directed, renewed, revitalized, and to rediscover. And yes that does involve some "work" on my part. So today, I open it.

When I first purchased it all those years ago, I didn't even know that I was an artist. My understanding of the word artist was limited to that of fine artists - painters and sculptures. I was really starting from the most base level of redefining the word, and then beginning to see myself as fitting into that definition. The cover of the book also says "A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity." I have always craved the Spiritual, a connection with God. And I have spent many years exploring the ways we as humans define God, see God, the names we call God, and the ways we seek to experience God. So, the idea of me as artist, and God as the Great Artist was fascinating and comforting. In the book Julia is very careful to leave the definition of God open to the reader's vision, so that what is offered in the book is accessible to all points of view. Perhaps it's more important to her that we "go there" in connecting with our creative selves, rather than creating a potentially new creative block.

I am discovering that The Artist's Way is My Way, because I AM Artist. I don't create because I choose to, so much as I create because I am a creator - one who creates. I can not separate from my creativity, anymore than I can separate from my skin and still live. MY WAY - artist, creator, actor, writer, dancer, singer, teacher.

My Way, the Artist's Way, also means being creative in my approach to the business of acting. This is the only true path to success - doing it My Way. I can't wait to see what unfolds.

For those of you who don't know The Artist's Way or Julia Cameron, here's a link to her website. Enjoy!

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