
Showing posts from April, 2014

GREAT FIND - The Hollywood Reporter Roundtables

These actor round tables from The Hollywood Reporter are completely addictive. I can't say enough about how fabulous it is to listen/watch these performers discuss craft, the business, insecurities, successes, failures, and everything in between. Sometimes I like to spend "obsessive" time with inspirational input, watching/listening to one thing after another, and this series completely hits the spot. There are a lot more talks from previous years as well as different "categories" including interviews with directors, interviews with show runners, and more. Enjoy!!  Remember to "Like" us on Facebook, and share these with friends. I appreciate your support!

Current Employment, Developing Projects, Goals:

Sometimes stuff happens...and then more stuff happens...and then time starts passing...and the next thing we know we've lost complete track of things we said we would do; projects we wanted to pursue; people we meant to follow up with.  We didn't mean to, but sometimes the day to day gets in the way: Dishes, laundry, work, bills, drop off the kid(s), pick up the kid(s), make the bed, feed the cat, feed us, homework with the kid(s), read to the kid(s), everyone to bed on time... And then there's the just as long weekly/monthly/quarterly list:  Wash the car, change the oil, mop the floors, dust, vacuum, doctor's appts., dentist appts., clean the bathroom, and on and on. And the daily/weekly things we want to do for well being:  Meditate; exercise; journal; pray; playtime; time with/for friends, etc. And for our career: Practice acting everyday; blog; social media updates; networking events; making connections, and on and on and on... And before we know it, we're co...

Arabella Models Part II

Here's a long over due follow up to last years post:                  "Actress Catch Up and Keeping My Promises" At that time I was off to an industry gathering for a colleague's company - Phoenician Models, a joint venture of four Models/Performing Artists including Tiffany Jackson . Since then, some of the names and players have changed, but this is a story worth sharing, and I like to keep my promises! The industry night hosted by Phoenician Models, was a low key gathering at Fat Tuesday's in downtown Tempe's Mill Avenue District. Photographers, Models, and Designers gathered for "Stars and Stripes Industry Night" featuring accessories designed by Arizona designers Recycled Rascals, now known as Revamped Retro . Photographers, models, and designers gathered to meet one another, exchange business cards, shoot, and pose for pictures. Models were chosen in advance to participate in a runway style show free to the public. What I li...

My Way

I decided to pull my copy of The Artist's Way  by Julia Cameron, off the shelf this year. I carried it around in my satchel for weeks. I convinced myself that I would have time to open it and perhaps gleen some inspiration and wisdom from the pages. It wasn't my intention to restart the course, and it definitely is a course. The cover of the book states it very clearly - "A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self." I took myself through the entire course after I graduated with my BFA at the age of 27. (Wow, was it really that long ago?) Cover to cover, all 12 weeks, with underlines, notes in the margins, highlights, and daily Morning Pages without fail. My first thought was, "No way am I going through that again, once is enough." As I re-read that sentence I have to laugh at my own resistance to the "work" involved in going through the process of self-discovery...again. The truth is, I picked up Julia Cameron's book again bec...